35. Yoga: An Ancient, Powerful wisdom

35. Yoga: An Ancient, Powerful wisdom

Health is wealth (small changes, big impact)

Yoga- An ancient powerful wisdom

Yoga is a developing field in today’s society, and over 300 million people throughout the world celebrate Yoga Day. An old treatment for a variety of diseases. It is an aspect of human consciousness.

It promotes mental serenity and harmony. Yoga originated in northern India more than 5,000 years ago. Yoga was originally referenced in the Rig Veda, an ancient religious literature. The Vedas consist of four ancient religious writings written in Sanskrit.

It has very deep roots and dates back to the very ancient past, approximately 5000 years ago. Its nature is very flexible and simple, with numerous health benefits.

Yoga develops an inner persona and brings harmony to all areas of the body through mental clarity. Yoga is far more tough than weightlifting. At first, I believed I could do it, but perfecting the balance and holding the positions is challenging.

But, on a serious note, yoga is more than just asanas

Yoga: An ancient, powerful wisdom

What does yoga give?

Yoga- An ancient powerful wisdom

Easy: “peace” is our first priority, period. The world needs mental calm more than anything else, in my opinion. It provides mental clarity and a fresh outlook on life.

It even provides an opportunity for someone to begin a new life.
It takes a very long time for the muscular era to arrive. However, I believe that yoga is the origin of human well-being.

It reveals the beauty of stillness and releases a person’s soul from all burdens. a location where people reinvent themselves. There is a reason why people in the past didn’t merely live long lives on their own.

a combination of light exercise, unadulterated fruits and vegetables, clean air, no pollution, concentration, and avoidance of distractions.

If done regularly, yoga can help people become happier and heal from a wide range of diseases. Individuals are able to save thousands.

Four benefits of yoga


Yoga- An ancient powerful wisdom

Enhanced Flexibility: Consistent exercise expands the range of motion in joints and muscles.
Enhanced Strength: The tone and strength of muscles are increased by many positions.
Improved Posture: Yoga encourages awareness of one’s own body alignment, which results in better posture.
Pain Relief: May provide relief from persistent pain, especially those of the joints, neck, and back.
Cardiovascular Health: Practices such as vinyasa and ashtanga are beneficial for the cardiovascular system.
Balance and Coordination: Through a variety of positions, it improves your physical balance and coordination.

Yoga: An Ancient, Powerful Wisdom


Yoga-An Ancient Powerful Wisdom

Stress Reduction: Deep breathing techniques and meditation support relaxation by lowering tension.
Enhanced Focus: Promotes mental acuity and focus.
Anxiety and Depression Management: By using mindful techniques, this approach helps reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Emotional Stability: Encourages emotional fortitude and inner serenity.


Yoga-An Ancient Powerful Wisdom

Self-awareness promotes self-reflection and a closer relationship with oneself.
Improves awareness of the present moment and promotes contentment and serenity.
Connection: Fosters empathy and compassion by giving one a feeling of oneness with other people and the greater cosmos.

Overall well-being

Yoga-An Ancient Powerful Wisdom

Integrating spiritual, mental, and physical practices for all-encompassing well-being is known as holistic health.
Enhancement of Lifestyle: Promotes better lifestyle decisions and practices.
Energy Boost: Boosts vitality and general energy levels.
Because of its many advantages, yoga can be practiced by individuals of various ages and fitness levels, encouraging a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle.

Yoga-An Ancient, Powerful Wisdom

diseases that can be cured with the power of yoga:

  • Asthma. Practicing various yoga forms like the pranayam and anulom-vulomserve is the only sustainable cure for asthma. …
  • Arthritis. …
  • Diabetes. …
  • Hypertension. …
  • Depression. …
  • Polycystic ovaries…
  • Liver Problems. …
  • Lower back Pain.

According to Indian data, the majority of people have just one health issue—diabetes. one of India’s most serious, prevalent, and uncontrollable illnesses. Global researchers have already stated that it can cause a great deal of illness and have an impact on genes, heredity, and the next generation. ‘

However, in the event that an issue exists along with a fix,.
Yoga lowers blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels and helps manage diabetes.

It can enhance cardiovascular conditions and make cells more receptive to insulin. Yoga is a mind-body practice that, when combined with appropriate diabetes treatment, helps prevent a number of diseases linked to diabetes.

This brings us to our next point: while it has previously been mentioned that yoga helps regulate blood sugar levels, in my experience, sugar levels can also be completely cured.

Everything revolves around metabolism, or how quickly our bodies process the food we eat during the day. A robust metabolism is necessary for healthy digestion.

The body can completely eliminate sugar and raise blood sugar levels with a 45-minute exercise each day and natural sweetener replacements for artificial sugar-containing foods.
Have you ever seen a guy at the gym who has high blood sugar?

Nope, because their body is now so well-trained that it can deal with anyone. It all comes down to living a sedentary or routine life. altering it to healthy behaviors, such as eating, sleeping, and living well.
Diabetes may have an impact on sleep patterns. Insufficient sleep causes helplessness.

Yoga: An Ancient, Powerful Wisdom

Important Yoga Asanas for Diabetes Self-Management:

Yoga-An Ancient Powerful Wisdom

postures or asanas:

The Sun Salutation, or Surya Namaskar, is a series of poses that stimulates the pancreas and aids in bettering blood circulation.

Yoga-An Ancient Powerful Wisdom

A half spinal twist, or Ardha Matsyendrasana, improves digestion and aids with blood sugar regulation.

Yoga-An Ancient Powerful Wisdom

Vrikshasana, or the Tree Pose, lowers tension and enhances balance and concentration.

Yoga-An Ancient Powerful Wisdom

Bow Pose, or Dhanurasana, stimulates the pancreas and other abdominal organs.

Yoga-An Ancient Powerful Wisdom

Yoga-An Ancient Powerful Wisdom

Cobra pose, or Bhujangasana, tones the spine and energizes the abdominal organs.

Bridge Pose or Setu Bandhasana, stimulates the endocrine system and improves blood flow.

Yoga-An Ancient Powerful Wisdom

Yoga classes and which are the best days?

Although yoga can be done every day of the week, the ideal days and times to practice yoga will vary depending on personal preferences, goals and schedules.

Daily Practice:

Morning: Doing yoga first thing in the morning helps invigorate and create a good vibe for the rest of the day. On an empty stomach, it’s also a wonderful time to practice physical postures and breathing techniques.

Evening: After a demanding day, an evening practice can help you decompress and unwind. For improved sleep, this is an excellent time to practice restorative yoga and meditation.

Weekly Routine:

Consistency: To reap the maximum advantages of yoga, try to practice three or more days a week.

Rest Days: If you practice more strenuous styles like Vinyasa or Ashtanga, make sure to include rest days to give your body time to heal.

Extra Attention to Detail

New Moon and Full Moon: Because the lunar cycle is said to have an impact on the body’s vitality, several traditions, such as Ashtanga yoga, advise taking a rest on these days.

Menstrual Cycle: During their menstrual cycle, women may opt to avoid or alter specific poses, preferring to concentrate on soothing and restorative techniques.

Personal Timetable:

Balancing Work and Life: To ensure that you can practice without feeling rushed or pressured, pick days and times that work for your own schedule.

Paying Attention to Your Body: Observe your body’s sensations and modify your technique accordingly. You might need to work out hard on certain days and take it easier on others.

In the end, the days you can reliably dedicate yourself to practicing yoga are the finest ones since they help you develop a consistent and long-lasting routine.

Yoga-An Ancient Powerful Wisdom

yoga Classes

Yoga lessons are easily accessible; nevertheless, the instructor needs to be skilled and knowledgeable about the various yoga poses. Priority one should be given to becoming fit. in order for them to direct the appropriate actions.

The greatest thing about yoga is that it can be practiced anywhere in the world. only require a yoga mat. Transporting the water is essential. There are also online classes available everywhere. simple for those who are employed. The greatest time to go if someone is serious is in the morning.

‘ Yoga means addition- Addition of energy, strength and beauty to the body, mind and soul ‘

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