2. Health is Wealth ( Small changes Big Impact )

2. Health is Wealth ( Small changes Big Impact )

6. say No to things Artificial Beverages, which effects your health !!

Health is wealth ( Small Changes Big Impact )

Health is Wealth ( Small Changes Big Impact )

Welcome back to the Health is Wealth ( small changes big impact ), temperature is increasing day by day. take care of your health. do not go out in the afternoon, because that is the time when heat wave is at it’s peak. try to drink liquified things, The best temperature for drinking water is room temperature (20°C / 68°F) for maximum flavour, or chilled cold (6°C / 43°F) for maximum refreshment.

you can drink sugar cane juice, sweet lime/sweet lemon juice, lassi ( The word lassi means yogurt mixed with water in Punjabi ), Homemade Juices Like Mango shake, thandai ( The nutritionist explains that there are a lot of benefits to this super drink, and it is definitely a far better choice than aerated and fizzy drinks in the summer. So, thandai is a great drink to have during hot summer days, after a heavy meal, or after a workout. Aam Panna ( One of the greatest drink to have in summer ), Coconut water, Jaljeera, Butter milk, Pudina sherbet.

These are the drinks that you can have in hot summer. Now, The thing is there is one word that you have to learn, no ( which is saying No to those beverages or food which effect your health ). The power of saying no – This has a tremendous effect on our physical and as well as mental health, it allows us to value ourselves more. It also helps us prioritize ourselves, and can even lead us to new opportunities that wouldn’t have been achievable by saying yes. It also allows us to set boundaries.

the role of habit. develop a habit of saying no, in the beginning it takes a little effort, if you start saying no on the daily basis and once your mind adapt that change, then things will start becoming easy for you. Health is wealth ( small changes big impact ), the tag line of this platform is more than just a tagline.

learn to say no is the first small change that you have to first implement in your life. Health is wealth is ( Small changes Big Impact ) also teaches you about some learnings, which you have to grasp in order to protect your health from outsider unhealthy foods.

Saying no to something allows you to say yes to a ton of other things that you really care about. so, stay focused, eat healthy, say no to artificial things, sleep well, be positive and yes don’t forget to exercise daily.

7. Pillars of health

health is wealth ( small changes big impact )

Health is Wealth ( Small Changes Big Impact )

welcome back to health is wealth ( small changes big impact ). today i’m going to talk about the five main pillars of health. why are they important and how to maintain them?. just like every building, foundation, institution have a framework upon which they are established same as there are also a framework supports and promote your health.

without framework, we are just like a empty building and can collapse anytime, anywhere. these pillars are considered to be the universal pillars. every species on earth do have a structure, upon which they perform there daily activities. this is the second most important learning of health is wealth ( small changes big impact ). not having pillars can cause you many physical and mental problems.

the first main pillar of health is wealth ( small changes big impact ) is –


daily doing exercise helps your body to keep active all days, it is a cure to maximum problems. one hour of exercise is good for everyone. it helps in weight loss, fat loss. combats health conditions and diseases, improves mood, boosts your energy, promotes better life, put a spark back into your sex life, can be fun and social. Health is Wealth ( Small Changes Big Impact )


here come’s the second part, a right nutrition or we can say balanced diet. after the exercise our needs right amount of nutrition. why? because it helps recovering of the cells, which break drown during the workout exercise. it is critical part of health and development. helps in improving your immune system, provides longevity, improves your mental health, build strong focus, improves your breathing, helps in digestion problems. Health is wealth ( Small changes big Impact )


there’s a study which says, a human body need at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day. during the sleep ( deep sleep ) our body repairs the broken tissues. Good sleep improves your brain performance, mood, and health. Not getting enough quality sleep regularly raises the risk of many diseases and disorders. These range from heart disease and stroke to obesity and dementia. When Is the Best Time To Go to Sleep? Research suggests the ideal time to go to sleep is 10 p.m. Health is Wealth ( Small Changes Big Impact )


positive emotions and your health. having a positive outlook can benefit your physical health. emotional wellness can be improved by developing certain skills. All emotions—whether positive or negative—are adaptive in the right circumstances. The key seems to be finding a balance between the two. Positive emotions expand our awareness and open us up to new ideas, so we can grow learn to control your emotion, i’ve already talked it about in my earlier post. Health is wealth ( small changes big Impact )


having good relations with everyone is a symbol of socially healthy. meeting with positive people affects your mental health. there’s a phrase ( if you receive good , then you convey good ). Strong, healthy relationships can also help to strengthen your immune system, help you recover from disease, and may even lengthen your life. People who have healthy relationships are more likely to feel happier and satisfied with their lives. They are less likely to have physical and mental health problems. Healthy relationships can: increase your sense of worth and belonging. Health is Wealth ( Small Changes Big Impact )

8. Natural foods, which can strengthen your body

health is wealth ( Small changes Big impact )

your face shows a lot more than you think specially what you eat ? That is the reality my friends. like in the previous post of health is wealth ( Small changes Big impact ), we had discussed about the nutrition, which plays a vital role for keeping our body full of energy during the whole day.

1. why taking right nutrition these days become so important ?

For the fully functioning of body in proper mannered way so that the person cannot get easily tired. i saw many people getting tired after just walking 1 or 2 km. Energy is the capacity to do work.

Research has shown that inadequate nourishment can reduce employee’s efficiency by 20% and that poor nutrition is directly linked to absenteeism, sickness, low morale and higher rates of workplace accidents.

Health is wealth ( Small changes Big impact )

2. Importance of taking Right nutrition

A healthy diet throughout life promotes healthy pregnancy outcomes, supports normal growth, development and ageing, helps to maintain a healthy body weight, and reduces the risk of chronic disease leading to overall health and well-being.

Adding right foods in your life with the exact of right amount your body needs can make you live longer. You know why maximum people in japan and china live longer because they are more focused on there diet, routine, they eat healthy live healthy. there life style is totally different. they value food so much.

understanding the facts about food is very important before eating it, specially when you go outside. Health is Wealth ( Small Changes Big Impact ) do you know how many calories should person need in a day. the recommended daily calorie intake is 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for men.

That are Enough calories for one day. Excessive calories can lead you to various health problems mainly Obesity. Which is the most common problem you can see these days.

it’s not about eating less, yes you can eat as much as you want but with the food which delivers right nutrition, good fats, rich in carbohydrates, quality protein. What Does it Mean to Eat Right? Eating right means eating a variety of foods including fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and different types of protein. These give you the nutrients you need to feel good, maintain your health, and give you energy.

Health is Wealth ( Small Changes Big Impact )

3. Best foods to eat, which makes you stronger and healthier

There are many foods in the market but how it effects is the main point. Sugars and refined carbs provide a quick boost, while grains, legumes, and whole foods provide more sustainable energy that will keep the body going longer.

well, here’s a list of some foods, which can make you healthier for longer period –


1. Bananas

Bananas are rich in fiber and also a good source of natural sugar. It contain helpful nutrients which makes the body feel full of energy. that eating a banana before a long bicycle ride helps performance and endurance just as much as a carbohydrate drink. While most people are not cycling each day, bananas may still provide energy. Eating two bananas a day are enough.

2. Avocados

eating avocado daily is a perfect addition to well balanced diet. Contain fiber, Nutrients, Proteins and good fats that may increase your energy levels and make fat soluble nutrients more available in the body. Improves digestion, great for vision, prevent cancer, keeps heart healthy, regulates blood pressure. Avocados contain high levels of healthy, beneficial fats, which can help a person feel fuller between meals.

Health is Wealth ( Small Changes big impact )

3. Goji Berries

Goji berries are the small reddish berries contain many nutrients and anti-aging properties. Goji berries are rich in B and C vitamins and also contain manganese and fiber – all of these nutrients elevate your energy levels. Dried goji berries make a great addition to a trail mix, and many people add a few to a water bottle to drink throughout the day.

4. apples

apples are high in antioxidants called flavonoids. It helps in fighting against oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. Good for bone health, heart health, weight los, lung health and promotes your immune system. Apples are an incredibly nutritious fruit that offers multiple health benefits. They’re rich in fiber and antioxidants. Eating them is linked to a lower risk of many chronic conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Health is Wealth ( Small Changes Big Impact )

5. strawberries

People can add strawberries to many dishes, and a handful may also be an easy snack to add to a diet.Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, which help reduce the risk of serious health conditions like cancer, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. It’s also an excellent source of: Magnesium. Phosphorous.

6. Oranges

Most people Enjoy oranges for there taste but there are also many health benefits of oranges like protect your cells from damage, helps your body make collagen a protein that heal your wounds and gives you smoother skin. boosts your immune system, your body defense against germs. Oranges are rich in nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin C and potassium which are great for your eyes. So, if you want your vision to be just as good as it is now, eat an orange every day!

Animal products

1. Fatty fish

Fatty fish considered to be the most rich in Nutrients. It is an excellent source of protein and B vitamins that helps the body sustained energy throughout the day. Fatty cold-water fish, such as salmon, sardines, and tuna, tend to be higher in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids improve brain function and reduce inflammation in the body, which may be a cause of fatigue in some people.

Health is wealth ( Small Changes big impact )

2. Yogurt

Yogurts can be rich in proteins, vitamins, carbs and live culture. can offer protection for bones and teeth and help prevent digestive system. Low-fat yogurt can be a useful source of protein on a weight-loss diet. Probiotics may boost the immune system. It’s very nutritious, and eating it regularly may boost several aspects of your health.

3. Eggs

Eggs are considered to be the good source of protein both ( whites/yolk). It’s ok to eat one whole egg, including the egg yolk, everyday if you don’t have cardiovascular disease and you do have a healthy level of cholestrol. Eggs provide the body with plenty of protein and nutrients for sustainable energy. one large hard-boiled egg contains about 6 grams (g)Trusted Source of protein and 5 g of fatTrusted Source, as well as vitamins and minerals to help keep the body energized and feeling full for longer than other snacks.

including fruits and animal products in your daily life can make you stronger, healthier, feel lighter and happier, yes ! start having at least one fruit per day, or you can make a salad, fruit sandwiches and the best time for having any fruit is during the breakfast.

Some people asked me should we take fruits as it is or in a liquid form ? well, for proper rich nutrition take it in it’s natural form.

animal products are the best source for people, who goes to the gym everyday, exercise daily, want to increase there muscle size, it helps in completing the protein deficiency in our body after the breakdown of the muscle.

Eating healthy food fills your body with energy and nutrients. just imagine your cells smiling back at you and saying ‘ thank you ‘ – Karen Salmansohn

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