7. Gain weight

7. Gain weight

can Exercise Increase Weight ?

Health is Wealth ( Small Changes Big Impact )

Gain weight

It’s a question that people have been asking these days. Increasing in weight. well sometimes it may be good or not good( Gain Weight ). It depends on the person to person goals, what type of goal he has in his mind ? actually, It’s not just the goals, there are also other’s factors, which need to be understand first.

there are billion’s of people in this world, every one has there own reason for going to the gym. as per my observation –

1. Some people just want to maintain there weight

2. people want to build strength and endurance

3. some just wants to build body

4. many people go gym for gaining also

5. and the most common – for reducing the weight

factors causing in increasing of weight ?

Gain weight

Many People say’s that diet and physical activity are the only two things you need for maintaining and reducing the weight. yes, these are but there are some other factors also which cause you in weight gaining –

1. Intake Of More Calories Then Recommended

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not maintaining the calories intake can cause you overweight and leads to obesity. After, the workout eating right is must.

Gain Weight

2. Only Cardio, No Weight Training

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doing cardio is not bad. But, a little bit of weight training can help you weight loss by boosting your metabolism and helps to burn more calories in a more effective way.

3. Adding To Much Of Water In Your Body

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Exercising regularly make your body store more glycogen. Role of glycogen has to bind with water to process the fuel to muscle. This also add small amount of water.

Gain Weight

4. eating processed and unhealthy snacks

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there are so many item’s in the market with the tag line of nutrition. like, bars, beverages and snacks. fast food is also the main factor. Which can unbalance the calorie intake in your body and cause weight gain.

Important( There is a thing going on in the market that after the workout you can eat anything. But, No Extremely No. eating according to the recommended diet chart is necessary, if you seriously want to work on your body. avoid eating fast food and other processed food from the markets totally, it effects your brain and body ).

5. working out as a newly or beginner

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at the beginning i also don’t know anything. it take’s time to process all things in the early stage. like many people skip the routine for a while. what to eat ? or What not to eat ? it necessary to understand the ways which can ease your way into a fitness routine, so the body can automatically adjust the to the on going changes.

6. Post-workout inflammation

Gain weight

sometimes exercise can cause structural damages to myofibres. which leads to micro tears and some inflammation. these are the conditions that cause temporary weight gain.

Generally, if we see. It demands more than these factors. like, if i talk about The Mindset. Developing and adding a new things into a mind takes time. which requires Persistency and Consistency. The main factors for achieving any thing great in life.

healthy Goals Requires Healthy Habits, a healthy Mindset

Causes for weight Fluctuation

Gain weight

Gain Weight

1. High sodium Foods

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having a high sodium diet can actually cause you to drink less water and feel more hungry. which the lead to overeating or more weight gain.

2. Menstrual Hormones changes

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Increasing in hormone progesterone. Which causes retain of water and salt. which leads to bloating and swelling on the abdomen, arms and legs. which may cause in weight gain for a temporary period of time.

Gain Weight

3. High Carbs food

Gain weight

Be mindful of your serving size because more intake of starchy carbs can cause gain weight. Always lookout for the amount that you are having.

4. Medication

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Some medicines might affect your appetite. which causes you to eat more, leads to gain extra weight.

Gain Weight

5. Alcohol

Gain weight

it can cause you gain weight in four ways –

1. It stops burning fat from your body.

2. High in kilojoules

3. can make you feel hungry

4. leads to craving for salty and greasy foods

Five types of food you should avoid totally

1. Sugary desserts

2. Colas

3. Deep Fried Snacks

4. Processed meat

5. beer

‘ say no to all of these ‘

specially, for people who want to reduce there weight stop taking these artificial food. try to replace them with natural Food Items. one mistake can ruin the whole week or month progress. which leads to frustration and may divert you from your path. It’s better to avoid these things.

Even the small mistakes can cause fluctuations in you weight. Many people I saw they just trying to find way that after the workout can i eat this or that. there are so many things in the market that you avoid if you are reducing your belly fat. ( Gain Weight )

If you are building muscle, then you have a different type of diet with a limited intake amount of carbs and High intake of protein. measuring the proportion of carbs intake on daily basis, Water Intake, High sodium- Low sodium.

For The people, who want to gain weight follow another diet. dividing the scoops of gainer and eating a rich carbs diet.

Having a particular diet, with a right mindset never cause you weight gain. understanding the how much amount of food should be taken and at what time is important. Long Gap periods can also cause weight gain. skipping one meal of day can increase your hunger. Try to take it according to time.

If i say Honestly, learning a art of self control can never cause you increasing in weight for your whole life . yes, I know cravings are the one which are most important to control. specially, when you are outside with someone or in any Event. a Little bit loosing of a sight can disturb your whole day routine. control your cravings.

why exercise are important for grown-ups and students ?

Gain Weight

Gain weight

Children’s are like the stars of our galaxy. you know when i was small, My mom always used to call me ‘ Bandar ka bachha ‘ because i was so skinny in my childhood. in 2002 or 2003, i suffered from jaundice. which left a very huge opposite impact on my body at that time and i get fat. after that, my mom started calling me ‘ ladoo ‘. how was your childhood ?……let me know in the comments…

in india, kids are getting so much attached to sedentary lifestyle. which is a unhealthy path for them. activities are must important for children’s, specially in there adult hoods. so, that they can live a healthy life in the future. without any type of risk of losing health.

Adults And Students Alike Should Exercise For A Variety Of Reasons. Here Are Several Major Advantages:

1. Physical Fitness

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Physical fitness is improved by regular exercise, which also helps people maintain a healthy weight, build their bones and muscles, and improve their cardiovascular health. It lowers the likelihood of getting chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer.

2. Mental Health

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Exercise has a beneficial effect on one’s mental health. Endorphins are natural mood enhancers that are stimulated by exercise, and this lowers tension, anxiety, and depression. Regular exercise also enhances the quality of sleep, builds self-esteem, and encourages a happier attitude on life.

Gain weight

3. Academic performance and Cognitive Function

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Academic Performance And Cognitive Function Have Been Connected. Exercise Has Been Shown To Improve Memory, Attention, And Information Processing. Routine Physical Exams For Students

4. Energy and Productivity

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Regular Exercise Boosts Energy And Productivity. Adults And Children Alike Can Benefit From Increased Attention, Alertness, And Mental Clarity Following Physical Activity. This Can Be Very Useful For Students In The Classroom Or For Adults In The Workplace.

4. Social Interaction

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Exercise Offers Possibilities For Interacting With Others And Forming Relationships. Individuals Can Connect With Others Who Similar Interests By Taking Part In Team Sports, Fitness Programmes, Or Other Group Activities.

5. Healthy Habits and Lifelong well-being

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Young children who are encouraged to exercise develop healthy habits that they can maintain as adults. Regular physical activity during childhood and adolescence lays the groundwork for a longer-term healthy lifestyle by lowering the risk of diseases associated with sedentary behaviour and enhancing overall well being.

Gain Weight

Important – ( Keep in mind that it’s crucial to exercise in a manner that is suitable for your age, degree of fitness, and overall health. A healthcare practitioner should always be consulted before beginning a new workout programme ).

Other health Benefits of physical activity for adults

For Immediate

A single bout of moderate to vigorous physical activity provide immediate health benefits :-

SleepImproves sleep quality
less AnxietyReduces feeling of anxiety
blood PressureReduces Blood Pressure

For Long-term

Regular physical Activity Provides Important Health Benefits for Chronic disease Prevention –

Brain HealthReduces Risk of Developing Dementia ( Including Alzheimer’s Disease ) and Reduces risk of depression
Heart Health Lower risk Of Heart Disease, Stroke and Type 2 Diabetes
Cancer PreventionLower Risk Of Eight Cancers: Bladder, Breast, Colon, Endometrium, Esophagus, Kidney, Lung and Stomach
Healthy WeightReduces risk of weight gain
Bone StrengthImproves Bone health
Balance and CoordinationReduces risk of falls

Gain Weight

Helps in Clearing the ‘Vision’ of life

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Daily Exercise : Encourage kids to move their bodies for at least 60 minutes a day of moderate to strenuous activity. Running, cycling, swimming, dancing, and participating in sports are examples of such activities.

Active play : Encourage children to play actively by getting them to move about during unstructured time. This can entail playing tag, hide-and-seek, or engaging in playground games.

Sports Participation : Encourage kids to take part in organised teams or sports. They could improve their physical fitness, coordination, and teamwork as a result.

Screen Time Limit : Set objectives to reduce sedentary activities like watching television or playing video games. Children should be encouraged to engage in more physical activity and spend less time in front of devices.

Outdoor Exploration : Encourage kids to spend time outside enjoying the environment and taking part in physical activities like biking, hiking, or playing in the park.

Gain Weight

Skill Development : Help youngsters set objectives for improving their physical abilities in activities they find enjoyable as they develop their capabilities. For instance, they might want to work on their swimming technique, pick up some new dance movements, or develop certain sports techniques.

Family Involvement : Set objectives to involve the entire family in physical activity. To promote physical activity as a shared experience, schedule frequent family activities, walks, or bike rides.

Active Transportation : When it’s safe to do so, encourage kids to ride their bikes or walk to school rather than using a car. This encourages physical activity and aids in the formation of a beneficial active commuting habit.

Regular pauses : Encourage kids to take regular pauses to stretch, move about, and participate in quick physical activities if they spend a lot of time sitting down, as during school or homework.

Safety Awareness : Inform kids about the significance of being safe when engaging in physical activity, such as wearing a helmet while riding or sporting protective equipment. Set objectives for them to adhere to safety rules and procedures.

Kids and Students are like the stars of this Universe. they have a natural curiosity about the world around them, including the universe. Adapting a health lifestyle can be a fascinating and educational journey for them.

Make sure that kids have a varied diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy products. Limit the amount of processed foods, sweet snacks, and sugary beverages they consume.

By encouraging kids to lead healthy lifestyles, we put them on the road to greater physical and emotional wellbeing. Childhood behaviours can have a long-lasting effect, influencing a person’s future decisions and general quality of life.

Gain Weight

‘ Celebrate each and every small step of there progress which they’ve taken towards a healthy lifestyle, Encourage there efforts, provide positive re-enforcement to them and keep them motivated – after all they are the future ‘

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