1. It’s time for change
health is wealth ( Small changes big impact )

hey everyone, hope you are all doing well. Today is my first blog and i’m gonna talk about some major things of our life. Let’s get start with Health is wealth ( Small changes Big impact ). you know a small change in your life can make you better, Stronger and can make your life more beautiful.
it is not about getting any degree or any kind of certificate, It’s just that there are some things that we miss in our daily life instead of making it useful, we just ignore them. I once heard that You make your life by living it, but it depends, that how we are gonna build our path and how we guide to others ?
my first theory is about heath is wealth. i see many people daily doing so many things, i don’t know why they always forget about there health, after all it is the first important part of our life. There are 8 billion people on this planet according to recent statistics and everyone is making progress in there own direction.
according to research, in india it was found that almost two-thirds ( 64% ) of indians say that they don’t exercise, interestingly, while nearly half ( 46% ) of consumers say that leading a healthy life style is their top priority, only 37% of them actually exercise.
so, as we can see maximum population of india doesn’t follow any routine or activity, it is one of the major reasons for the people of india that’s why they suffer with so many health problems like blood pressure, higher sugar levels, heart ache, feeling dizziness, getting tired easily, not able to focus on anything etc.
only about 2.36% of the population globally are gym members, that’s according to the most recent 2020 report by the IHRSA and world’s 7.8 billion population. do you know including any one activity in our life, can solve so many problems specially, health problems. activity can be of any kind, like there are so many sports. i daily saw so many people playing badminton, running, jumping, cricket, karate etc. My main point is I’m talking about those who aren’t doing any activity. come’on guys get up and start grinding yourself. for creating a wealth, we must considered first health is wealth.
a little push in your life can create a different path. An active body or Being physically active can improve your Brain health, help Manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do Everyday activities.
2. it’s not just about being healthy, it’s about our life !
Health is wealth ( Small changes big impact )

Start maintaining your health from today. there are 24 hours in a day and you just have to spend 1 hour on your body. health is wealth, these are not just words. it’s the truth that we’ve been avoiding from many years. some people say that, after the whole day work they don’t get enough time. yes i can understand, in this fast pacing world there are so much daily tasks, family issues, friends, relatives, functions, distractions etc. here’s the solution work on your time management. remove the unnecessary things or reduce it for some time.
health is not just about being healthy, it’s also about exploring yourself, bringing out the real potential, a power source. these day’s i’m seeing some changes in people mentality, after the covid-Pandemic people start maintaining there health. But here i want to ask a question to all off you. why is it always happen that whenever something happens unexpectedly, we always realise after loosing so many things or is it our habit ? whether it is covid, disease or any virus. well, that’s the barrier we have to break. it’s time to take charge of our life in our hands.
by Making Small Changes Day By Day You’ll See The Improvement, A Little Bit Improvement Builds Confidence. Upgrade Yourself With Those Habits, Knowledge, Surroundings, People, Your Friend Circle, Who’s Gonna Support You and yes never afraid of doing Mistakes. it’s a part of human growth.
A healthy lifestyle is important for everyone. When we look after our physical health, we feel better too – fitter, more relaxed and better able to cope with things. This is especially important when you have a mental illness. There are lots of ways of being healthy that feel good as well as doing you good.
Additions are the first thing but before that you must also considered two things first is Patience and second is Discipline. Let’s dive little deep, health is wealth is not just about getting at the top, it’s about to be the best in every situation, moment, focusing on the real potential of your body, to get in the best shape of your life, always ready to learn something new. Understanding your body and it’s importance is the very first thing that you have to do.
Health is wealth guides you to the path of becoming the best version of yourself, after all it’s one life.
3. Not just accept, lead your life !
Health is wealth ( Small changes big impact )

we are talking about health is wealth but, what about the other aspects of life. there are lot of things that you’re gonna face, i’m also facing, sometimes everyday feels like a new challenge, but then i take deep breathe and move forward.
you know when i was loosing weight, i learned a very important lesson of my life, which i will never forget. the lesson was instead of accepting life, we must lead our life. this is actually a very deep line with very bigger meaning. try to include those things which motivates you, pushes you.
if we implement the exact additions to our life then we can lead a wonderful life and easily achieve our goals. there are some ways for health life goals, basically these are the additions –
- Practice Self-Care. Self-care is about taking care of yourself to improve your emotional, physical and mental well-being. …
- Get Moving With Mobile Health Apps. It’s no secret that daily exercise can improve your health. …
- Ditch the Diets. …
- Eat Fruits and Veggies. …
- Fuel Up On Superfoods.
There are also some components. which we already know like Mindset, exercise and diet. The other things are like habits, balancing of life routine, time management, adapting power, handling situations and the most important your thoughts.
now, let’s talk about what actually is healthy lifestyle, a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE is a way of living that LOWERS THE RISK of being seriously ill or dying early. Not all illness and disease is preventable; however a large proportion of deaths, particularly those from coronary heart disease and lung cancer, can be avoided.
Always remember these aspects of life are like a small dot’s which form a line of life, set your daily task and try to achieve it. Without breaking barriers you’ll never know your potential so keep pushing and motivating yourself.
4. golden rules for Optimal health !
health is wealth ( small changes big impact )

welcome back to health is wealth. you know for creating wealth you need health and for enjoying that wealth long last you also need health. life is getting hectic and messy day by day. i saw people daily rushing to their offices, home, work, some work at night also. from this i remember a small story. One day i woke up at 4.00 am for my usual running, after running 2 or 2.5 km, i saw a gym on my left side.
mostly, in my area i usually see 1 or 2 people who goes gym at this time but, then after 2 or 3 minutes i saw a cab came and stopped right in front of gym, and suddenly 4 to 5 people came outside. first i was scared, then i walk toward the cab to look closely. after 5 minutes, all the persons grab there bags and went into the gym.
i asked the driver who are these guys ? he said that they all are night shifters working in noida, and after completing the nigh shift, they all go to the gym directly without taking any nap and i was like wow, what a great schedule they have. then i went into the gym just to see all those guys and also talked to one, i remember me asking him question about how you all guys manage your life, i mean after the shift how you are able to come to the gym? don’t you feel tired ? what sets of rules do you follow ?
the guy said- listen, sometimes it just so become so hard, coming daily here, doing workout then rush to the home, see family, spending time with friends, relative, there are so many things that i have to manage all the day. i ask – is there any secret or strategy you follow? he explained – there are some golden rules that he follows –
- Do Not Put Toxic Things Into Your Body and life
- Lift Things and Move Around. …
- Sleep Like a Baby. …
- Avoid Excess Stress. …
- Nourish Your Body With Real Foods…
- avoid unnecessary outings…
- save time…
- never stop learning..
- always ready to adapt…
- stay away from negative things..
- and the most importantly develop strong mind..
he said this is the baseline that keep him active, positive, healthy and motivated all the day. there’s a study that it takes 2 or 3 months for our body to learn or add any new habit or skill. you just have to keep practicing daily. our body is capable of anything. from that day on, i also started follow these and i keep on changing according to my circumstances.
5. start by using Natural food items !
health is wealth ( small changes big impact )

in previous posts we saw that how health is wealth is so important for our life, with good health we can live freely from all the body related problems. as you can see there are so many live scenarios you see everyday in your daily life specially people after the 30, i also watch so many people dealing with sugar, high blood pressure, stress, anxiety, heartache, joint pain etc.
in india, sugar comes first and also the most dangerous health problem from all of them.
and yes i know that our body needs sugar but, what type of sugar ? Our bodies need one type of sugar, called glucose, to survive. “Glucose is the number one food for the brain, and it’s an extremely important source of fuel throughout the body”.
so, why don’t we add some natural nutrients to our daily routine. i’ve prepared some list of natural sweeteners which you can eat 2 or 3 times a week after the lunch or dinner and it also doesn’t harm your body and keeps our body sugar free –
- 1. Muskmelon
- 2. jaggery
- 3. raw honey
- 4. stevia
- 5. brown cocunut
- 6. Dates
- 7. Bura sugar
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